Counselling fee charged by counsellor is about $100 to $150 per session
輔導員收取輔導費為每次 $100至 $150 (Subsidy is provided by MFFC 資助由「澳洲家新」提供)
*Pre-marital counselling 婚前輔導 - Eligibility 資格:One of applicants is Christian 其中一申請人是基督徒
Details 內容:Subsidize $50 for participating MER within 3 years after married 婚後三年內參加「恩愛夫婦營」可獲 $50資助
**Marital counselling 婚姻輔導 - Eligibility 資格:Have attended MER or Pastor referral 參加過MER營會或教牧推薦
Details 內容:Subsidize 50% counselling fee up to $50 per section, max 5 sections 資助50% 輔導費,每次最多$50,最多5次
1.The couple must both come for the service. Once the service terminates, the couple has to re-apply for new service;輔導過程必須兩人一同參加。輔導一經停止,須再另行申請;
2.MFFC reserves the right to support or decline the sponsorship; 本會有權決定是否贊助此輔導服務;
3.MFFC reserves the right to terminate this service; 本會有權隨時終止此服務;
4.The personal information above is only for internal use and will be kept with strict confidentiality;以上資料絕對保密,只供本會紀錄及輔導人員參考;
5.Please pay the counselling fee to the counsellor directly, MFFC receives no fee for this service.服務收費直接交予輔導員,本會並無收取任何費用。